Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

September 30, 2024




Monday, September 30, 2024

Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by chairperson, Mary Faculak.

Members present: Mary Faculak, Lynn Spearing, Tina Sundelius, Hugh Campbell, Chris Randall.

Members absent: Nate Swailes, Chris Wallace, Ginny McCallum

Approval of the Agenda:

A motion to approve the agenda was made by Randall, seconded by Campbell. Motion carried by unanimous consent.

Approval of the Minutes:

A motion to approve the meeting Minutes from the June 24, 2024 regular meeting as presented was made by Spearing, seconded by Randall. Motion carried by unanimous consent.

Treasurer’s Report:

Spearing reported that $8,772.33 in TIFF revenue was received, bringing the balance to $10,639.19. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Campbell, seconded by Sundelius. Motion carried by unanimous consent.

Way finding Signage: Further signage purchases will be discussed at the November 25 meeting.

Student Representative: East Jordan DDA student representative, Riley Cannon, gave a presentation to Ellsworth 10th, 11th &12th grade students. Her message was well received and good questions followed the presentation. An application is being delivered to the school, we will wait to see how many applicants we get. Faculak suggested holding one of our meetings at the school so students could observe, in hopes of alleviating any fear the students may have.

Paddle Antrim: There was more traffic at the DDA table than in past years. A thank you was given to Sundelius for putting the table together.


Trunk or Treat: PC’s report was emailed to all members. It appears there is a great deal of interest and enthusiasm for the event.


Chairperson Report:  Breezeway & Ellsworth Village banners are on display at the Mackinaw City Welcome Center. The Chamber was asked to extend their summer exhibit and it was changed out for the fall.  The new Breezeway signs are in storage because there has been no one to install them. Faculak possibly has someone lined up to install some of them. Breezeway cruises are in full swing with 2 more weekend cruises planned for Oct 5 & 12th.


Village: Sewer project has received some additional funding. He would like to have a community input session on the project. Nothing planned yet.



A motion to adjourn was made by spearing, seconded by Campbell. The next regular meeting will be held in October, 2024. Date to be determined later.


_________________________________________________________on October 1, 2024

Submitted by Tina Sundelius



_________________________________________________________  ______________

Mary Faculak, Chairperson