Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

October 2020

OCTOBER 12, 2020

Present: Campbell, Boss, Sowers, Spearing, McCallum, Rasmussen, Potter and Drenth

Absent: Stewart

Others: Jennifer Hodges, Phil Palajac

Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:00 PM

1. Motion by McCallum, Sowers to accept September 14, 2020 regular minutes as presented. CARRIED 6-0

PUBLIC INPUT: Jennifer Hodges from GFA gave a progress update on the Village Sewer Project.


a. Police: Monthly report was presented. Discussion regarding purchasing an additional radar sign.

b. DPW: Discussion regarding purchasing forks for the backhoe.

c. Streets: Sidewalk repair in front of house on Park St. owned by Rob Essenberg with homeowner and Village splitting the cost 50/50.

d. Parks/Recreation: Woodenshoe Campground is closed for the season.


a. Fall Color Cruise along the Breezeway – very busy
b. Community Square Project – looks wonderful.
c. Paddle Antrim – all signs are now in place.
d. Dollar General – Will open the first part of November.
e. CVTRS – No money this month.
f. Woodenshoe Holiday Fest and Decorating Square – May have to change format due to COVID19.
g. Affordable Housing in The Community – DDA is working on this project.
h. Senior Citizen Housing Town Hall meeting November 23, 2020 – may be tabled due to COVID19.
i. Farmers Market – done for the season.


2. Motion by Rasmussen, Spearing to not set hours for Halloween this year. CARRIED 6-0

3. Motion by Rasmussen, McCallum to approve purchase agreement with Martha and Stan Kupka for 52 acres on Coeling Road for Wastewater System at a cost of $3500.00 an acre and to be signed by Hugh Campbell, President and Marlene Drenth, Clerk. CARRIED 6-0

4. Motion Rasmussen, Spearing to cancel sidewalk work that was approved for Groesser on Center Street and approve work to be completed on Park Street for R. Essenberg. CARRIED 6-0

5. Motion by Rasmussen, Spearing to approve the contracts presented by GFA on behalf of University of Illinois System (archaeology study) and Otwell Mawby, P.C. (environmental study). CARRIED 6-0

6. Motion by Boss, Rasmussen to pay the bills. CARRIED 6-0

7. Motion by Boss, Sowers to adjourn at 8:30pm. CARRIED 6-0

Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk