Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

May 13, 2024





MAY 13, 2024



Present: Campbell, Dhillon, A. Drenth, Sowers, Spearing, Bennett, Potter, M. Drenth


Absent: McCallum


Others:  Jacob Byrd, Jarris Rubingh, Deanna Jerdee, Jerry Rasmussen, Nate Swailes, Sandra Davies-Webster, Unknown Guest


Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:05pm


  1. Motion by Bennett, Spearing to accept the regular minutes of April 8, 2024, as presented. CARRIED 6-0



Jarris Rubingh reported there have been additional meetings regarding the hydrology study that was completed for Antrim County. There has been discussion regarding the Village culvert on Bridge Street.

Deanne Jerdee gave a brief report for Paddle Antrim about where they started and where they are now.

Jerry Rasmussen gave a report of the need for a culvert to be run from Susanne Gardner’s house down to Bob’s Car Lot. There is also some cement work that needs to be done for the new playground equipment at River Park and possibly repairing of some sidewalks in the Village. He presented a proposal to the Council for him to complete the work.

Campbell informed the Council that the Banks Township Historical Society is looking for new members.  They meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Nate Swailes from Ellsworth Farmers Exchange updated the Village on the status of the effort to have Consumers Power redirect the electrical lines on their property. Consumers Power is holding a meeting on May 23, 2024, and we were encouraged to attend to show our support.



  1. Police: N/A
  2. DPW: N/A
  3. Streets: N/A



  1. DDA: The ribbon cutting for the new signs is Monday June 20, 2024, at 4:00p.m. and a DDA meeting will follow. The Concerts in the Park will start June 26, 2024.  A Community Meeting covering a variety of topics will be held June 24, 2024.  It will be at Banks Township Hall beginning at 6:00p.m.
  2. Planning Commission: Will meet Thursday May 16, 2024. They are in the process of making the Village of Ellsworth an RRC Community.


  1. Parks and Recreation: Discussed areas that need to be repaired.  Also discussed the water issue on the grounds.  Will look into the possibility of tiling the area.




  1. 2024 Pig Roast June 14 & 15 – Moving forward.
  2. 2024 Fireworks – Fund raising has started.
  3. Breezeway Garage Sales, Friday, May 24 and Saturday May 25
  4. Wooden Shoe Campground opens May 15 for the 2024 season.
  5. Paddle Antrim – September 12-14
  6. 2023-2024 Auditors – May 28-30
  7. Clean Day May 11, from 8a.m. to 11a.m. – Had some issues with traffic flow
  8. Letters for delinquent water bills have been mailed.
  9. New Village mower – Has been delivered.
  10. New infrastructure for Police Department – Discussion concerning cost.
  11. Classmates of Kate Leese would like to plant a tree in her memory – Need more information about the location of the tree.
  12. Discuss sending a resolution to Consumers regarding the Farmers Exchange issues – Will present a motion for Lynn Spearing to compose a resolution to be sent to Consumers.
  13. Short term rentals – Will research how other towns in our area have addressed the issue.




  1. Motion by Spearing, Bennett to approve a $1,200.00. donation for the fireworks. CARRIED 6-0


  1. Motion by Spearing, A. Drenth to approve a $1,000.00 for the Pig Roast. CARRIED 6-0


  1. Motion by Bennett, A. Drenth to approve the Budget Amendments. CARRIED 6-0


  1. Motion by Campbell, Sowers to pay the bills. CARRIED 6-0


  1. Motion by Bennett, Spearing to submit a resolution to Consumers Power for Ellsworth Farmers Exchange regarding the moving of their electrical lines. CARRIED 6-0


  1. Motion by Sowers, Campbell to pay the bills. CARRIED  6-0


  1. Motion by Sowers, Dhillon to adjourn at 8:20pm. CARRIED 6-0



Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk