Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

June 2020





JUNE 8, 2020



Present: Campbell, Boss, Sowers, Spearing, Stewart, Rasmussen, Potter and Drenth


Absent: McCallum


Others:  Lacey McLean, Jan Olach and Cynthia Bassett


Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:05 PM


  1. Motion by Rasmussen, Stewart to accept May 11, 2020 regular minutes as presented. CARRIED 6-0


PUBLIC INPUT:  Olach and Bassett were in attendance to discuss ordinance violation letters they had received.




Police:  Police Chief McLean gave her monthly report.  Discussion about the ordinance violations that have been addressed


DPW:  Water wells have passed their annual inspection.


Streets:  Crosswalks and curbs have been painted.





Planning Commission:  The site plan for Dollar General has been approved upon several contingencies.


Parks and Recreation:  Woodenshoe Park has opened for the season.  The bathrooms are currently remaining closed. The summer recreation program has been cancelled until further notice due to Covid19.





  1. The annual audit by Baird, Cotter and Bishop has been completed and copies were given to all Council members.
  2. Paddle Antrim has been cancelled for September 2020 due to Covid19.
  3. The flowers for the Village have been purchased and put in place.
  4. The Community Square/Farmers Market hopes to open soon.
  5. The DDA has submitted a grant to obtain funding to help small business in the Village to obtain funds to assist with the loss of revenue due to Covid19.
  6. Update on sanitary wastewater system – Need to follow up with GFA to see where we are at in the process of obtaining the loan to purchase property and the minimum of acreage we will need.
  7. Lock Box for Banks Township Hall – Box would be shared by Township and Village for purpose of depositing absentee ballots, water bills, etc.





  1. Motion by Spearing, Boss to investigate purchasing a phone for Police Chief McClean. CARRIED 6-0


  1. Motion by Stewart, Rasmussen to pass Delinquent Water Bill Resolution. CARRIED 6-0


  1. Motion by Boss, Spearing to set Millage Rate (L-4029) at 12.50 mills. CARRIED 6-0


  1. Motion by Spearing, Rasmussen to pass Tax Collection Resolution. CARRIED 6-0


  1. Motion by Campbell, Boss to have Spearing write a grant to fund equipment for a new police car for the Village. CARRIED 6-0


  1. Motion by Boss, Rasmussen to approve budget amendments. CARRIED 6-0


  1. Motion by Stewart, Rasmussen to pay the bills. CARRIED 6-0


  1. Motion by Boss, Sowers to adjourn at 8:10pm. CARRIED 6-0







Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk