JULY 12, 2021
Present: Campbell, Boss, Sowers, Spearing, McCallum and Drenth
Palajac arrived at 7:30pm
Absent: Stewart, Potter
Others: Lacey Mclean, Jerry Rasmussen, Kevin Heard, Rick Wilson, Julie Archey-Wilson
Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:00 PM
- Motion by Boss, McCallum to accept June 14, 2021 regular minutes as presented. CARRIED 6-0
Kevin Heard, on behalf of Julie Archey-Wilson, wanted verification on the ordinance regarding a piece of property owned by Julie Archey-Wilson.
Jerry Rasmussen stated they are working to reestablish the snowmobile trail and discussed the CSX railroad property that is currently being used as a trail for walkers, bikers, etc. Their goal is to make it a four seasons trail. He asked if the Village of Ellsworth and Banks Township would be interested in purchasing the property from CSX to assure it does not get broken up by individual owners.
- Police: Chief McLean gave her monthly report. Notified the Village that she has an individual interested in a reserve position with the police department. She was told to go forward with pursuing this individual. She has completed the necessary documents required upon receiving the grant the Village received to purchase the new police car.
- DPW: Reliability Study for the water department: recommend that it be completed by Gourdie-Fraser.
- Streets: N/A
- Planning Commission: Did not meet.
- Parks and Recreation: Woodenshoe Campground is doing well. The Wi-Fi is up and running. Additional picnic tables have been ordered.
The summer recreation program season is now completed. Ellsworth also hosted the tournament for Chain of Lakes Little League this year.
- Paddle Antrim – To be held September 16, 17 and 18, 2021. Ellsworth will be the host for the kick-off the evening of September 16, 2021.
- Pickle Ball and Tennis Courts – The Village has received two grants totaling $10,000. The work is to be completed in August.
- Mural – Discussion on the relocation for the mural. It will be placed in the vicinity of the Community Park.
- Culvert EJ Road – In the process of applying for grants with the goal of having the work completed in 2022.
- 2021 Pig Roast – A very successful event.
- Sewage Project – Proceeding with Phase 2 of the archeological study.
- Church Road – A section of Church Road is currently abandoned by the Village and Ellsworth Community School is requesting use of that property.
- Dollar General – Discussion was held concerning the unsatisfactory condition of the grounds around their building. Spearing will follow up with Mary Faculak regarding a contact person for Dollar General.
- Motion by McCallum, Boss the purchase additional radar speed signs. CARRIED 6-0
- Motion by McCallum, Spearing to support the Homes for Our Future Resolution. CARRIED 6-0
- Motion by Campbell, Sowers to hire Gourdie-Fraser to complete the Reliability Study for the Village. CARRIED 6-0
- Motion by Spearing, McCallum to authorize Campbell to sign the contract with Dan Bennett from East Jordan Outfitters. CARRIED 6-0
- Motion by Boss, McCallum to approve the bills. CARRIED 6-0
- Motion by Campbell, Palajac to adjourn at 8:15pm. CARRIED 6-0
Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk