Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

July 2017




JULY 10, 2017

Present: Campbell, Boss, Sowers, Spearing, Rasmussen, Potter, and Drenth

Absent: McCallum and Stewart

Others: John Morris

Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:00 PM

1. Motion by Spearing, Boss to accept the June 12, 2017 joint Village/Planning Commission Public Hearing minutes as presented. CARRIED 5-0

2. Motion by Boss, Rasmussen to accept the June 12, 2017 regular Village Council Meeting minutes as presented. CARRIED 5-0

PUBLIC INPUT: Spearing asked that the Council think about projects that would qualify for United Way’s Day of Caring that will be held in the fall.


Police: Officer Morris gave his police report for the month of June 2017.

DPW: The major leak in the water system has been found and is fixed.

Streets: Waiting for the bids to come in on the streets to be paved.


Planning Commission: N/A

Parks and Recreation: The Wooden Shoe Park is having a very busy summer.

The recreation program (Little League) is wrapping up after a full season.


a. New additional security cameras are now in place.

b. Paddle Antrim has provided us with proof of liability insurance.

c. Pig Roast 2017 did well financially. Will hold a meeting in the fall to fine tune some procedures.

d. Recreation Plan Update is in the process of being completed.

e. Survey update. Council members are going to contact some residents to encourage completion of their survey forms. Need a better return rate to get a true picture of median income for the Village.

f. Village received a letter from Aaron Gaffney, Superintendent of ECS regarding the issue of some of the new driveway at the elementary school being on Village property.


3. Motion by Rasmussen, Sowers to approve the budget amendments. CARRIED 5-0

4. Motion by Boss, Sowers to approve payment to Louise Alfred and Heidi MacNicol for their work to attempt to have more residents complete their low mod surveys. CARRIED 5-0

5. Motion by Rasmussen, Boss to approve the bills. CARRIED 5-0

6. Motion by Spearing, Sowers to adjourn at 7:55PM. CARRIED 5-0

Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk