Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

January 2019





JANUARY 14, 2019

Present: Campbell, Boss, Sowers, Spearing, McCallum, Stewart, Rasmussen, Potter and Drenth


Others: John Morris

Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:06 PM

1. Motion by Stewart, Rasmussen to accept the December 10, 2018 minutes as presented. CARRIED 7-0



Police: Officer Morris gave police report

DPW: Concern about frozen water lines if we do not receive some snow.



Planning Commission: Discussed mixed use zoning overlay for Main Street from Church Street west to Village limits.

Finance Committee will hold a budget committee meeting Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 6:00PM

DDA has appointed Rusty Powers as chairperson. Julie Waterman would like to reactivate the Farmer’s Market. They are also discussing the possibility of having music monthly in the Community Square.


a. L4029 setting of millage rate of 11.3 mills – Will balance our budget for 2019-2020.

b. Ordinance Prohibiting Marijuana Establishments within the Village – tabled for now.

c. Pig Roast 2019 – There will be a Pig Roast for 2019. The fireworks has been changed to July 5, 2019.

d. Paddle Antrim – They are working on the waterway from Ellsworth to Elk Rapids.

e. Feasibility Study on Waste Water sewage system – Will be presented at the State of the Community meeting Wednesday, January 16, 2019.

f. Committee Vacancies at Antrim County – Trustees were given a list of open vacancies.


2. Motion by Sowers, Rasmussen to increase wages for the 2019-2020 budget year for Village employees by three percent. CARRIED 7-0

3. Motion by Rasmussen, Boss to approve the budget amendments. CARRIED 7-0

4. Motion by Boss, McCallum to approve the use of the Village backhoe for Township Clean-up Day May 11, 2019. CARRIED 7-0

5. Motion by Rasmussen, Sowers to rehire Sarah Essenberg as Summer Recreation Director. CARRIED 7-0

6. Motion by Stewart, Rasmussen to update Woodenshoe Campgrounds rental rates for the 2019 season as follows: Modern sites: $30 Daily $170 Weekly $470 Monthly Tent sites: $20 Daily $100 Weekly $300 Monthly. CARRIED 7-0

7. Motion by Sowers, McCallum to hire Beckett & Raeder to contract to oversee Ellsworth Planning and Consulting Services. CARRIED 7-0

8. Motion by Spearing, Rasmussen to approve the Development Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan of the DDA. CARRIED 7-0

9. Motion by Rasmussen, McCallum to approve $500 for the new Breezeway signs and $500 for Chain of Lakes Water Trail signs for next year’s budget. CARRIED 7-0

10. Motion by Rasmussen, Boss to pay the bills. CARRIED 7-0

11. Motion by Rasmussen, Spearing to adjourn meeting at 7:35PM. CARRIED 7-0

Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk