Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

February 2020






FEBRUARY 10, 2020

Present: Boss, Sowers, Spearing, McCallum, Rasmussen, Potter and Drenth

Absent: Campbell, Stewart

Others: Lacey McLean, Jennifer Hodges, Gary Strange, Thomas Mann, Bill Austin, Julie Jones, Joseph Jones, Roger Bolhuis, Allan Hatfield, Shawndce Hatfield, Kole Hatfield, Deb Groesser, Marcia Bingham, Jerry Levesque, Nancy Hersha.

Boss opened budget hearing at 7:00 PM

The Finance Committee presented the 2020-2021 budget. A short discussion on the budget was held.

Meeting closed at 7:05 PM





FEBRUARY 10, 2020

Present: Boss, Sowers, Spearing, McCallum, Rasmussen, Potter and Drenth

Absent: Stewart, Campbell

Others: Lacey McLean, Jennifer Hodges, Gary Strange, Thomas Mann, Bill Austin, Julie Jones, Joseph Jones, Roger Bolhuis, Allan Hatfield, Shawndce Hatfield, Kole Hatfield, Deb Groesser, Marcia Bingham, Jerry Levesque, Nancy Hersha.

Meeting called to order by Boss at 7:05 PM

1. Motion by McCallum, Spearing to accept the January 13, 2020 minutes as presented. CARRIED 5-0


Tom Mann representing Banks Township stated they will once again be sponsoring Clean-up day for Banks Township on May 9, 2020.

Bill Austin, Julie Jones, Joseph Jones, Roger Bolhuis, Allan Hatfield, Shawndce Hatfield, Kole Hatfield, Deb Groesser, Marcia Bingham, Jerry Levesque and Nancy Hersha are all property owners on Pleasant Hill Road and were in attendance to express their strong opposition to the waster water facility being built at the location on Pleasant Hill Road. Various people from that group relayed what their specific concerns were. A major concern was the smell they feel will come from the lagoons. Other concerns pertained to contamination of ground water, concern for the animals that are currently in that area, and a belief that the value of their properties will suffer because of the wastewater facility being located near their properties. Jennifer Hodges (our engineer) from Gourdie-Fraser, Inc. and several Council trustees responded to their concerns, but no minds were changed.


Police: McLean gave report on the progress she has made to get the equipment in the department up to date.


Streets: N/A


Planning Commission: NA

Finance Committee: The 2020-2021 budget was presented.

DDA: They are meeting on a monthly basis.


a. 2020 Pig Roast/Fire Works – Tina Sundelius will oversee the Pig Roast for 2020. The Fire Works committee is looking at the possibility of having a ballgame the day of the Fire Works.

b. Wastewater Sewer Project – Copies of an email from RDV Corporation stating their opposition to a wastewater facility being constructed on property adjacent to their property was given to Council members for review. Hodges reassured members that the cost of operations for a wastewater system have all been addressed. Strange suggested the Village look at obtaining a loan thru a bank for the purchase of the property for the wastewater project because the government loan is taking so long.

c. Dollar General – The titlework is being processed for the sale of the property from The Antrim County Road Commission to Dollar General.


2. Motion by Spearing, Rasmussen to approve the 2020-2021 budget. CARRIED 5-0

3. Motion by Spearing, Sowers to approve the budget amendments. CARRIED 5-0

4. Motion by Sowers, Rasmussen to approve the reappointments to the DDA of Mary Peterson (term 1-1-2020 to 12-31-2023 (four years) and Tina Sundelius (term 1-1-2020 to 12-31-2023 (four years). CARRIED 5-0

5. Motion by Rasmussen/McCallum to set a date of February 24, 2020 at 11:00AM for a Public Hearing to be held at the Village Office to apply to the USDA for a loan for the sewer project. CARRIED 5-0

6. Motion by McCallum, Spearing to approve the content of Rider “B” and to allow the Clerk, President, or President Pro Tem to sign Rider “B” on behalf of the Village of Ellsworth. Rider “B” will extend the option for the purchase of the 43 acres for the Wastewater project. CARRIED 4-1 Nay vote was by Rasmussen.

7. Motion by Spearing, Rasmussen to pay the bills. CARRIED 5-0

8. Motion by Sowers, McCallum to adjourn at 8:45. CARRIED 5-0

Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk