DECEMBER 12, 2016
Present: Campbell, Boss, Sowers, Spearing, McCallum, Stewart, and Potter.
Others: Jerry Rasmussen, Sheriff Dan Bean
Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:00 PM
1. Motion by Stewart, McCallum to accept the November 14, 2016 minutes as presented. CARRIED 6-0
PUBLIC INPUT: Sheriff Bean discussed more presence by Antrim County Police Department in the Village of Ellsworth.
Police: N/A
DPW: Water project has now been completed.
Street: No parking on village streets during the winter season. In the spring curbing on the corners will be painted yellow along with striping the roads.
Planning Commission: N/A
Parks and Recreation: N/A
Finance Committee: Next year’s budget meeting will be held Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 7:00pm
a. Wooden Shoe Holiday Festival was successful.
b. Meeting with Antrim County discussing illegal drug issues in Ellsworth on November 28 was well attended.
c. Township Clean Up Day has been set for May 13, 2017.
d. Updated Blight Ordinance is on hold. Looking for an Ordinance Administrator.
e. Village of Ellsworth Master Plan Update. Sending copies to local government bodies.
f. Ellsworth Market. Waiting for a closing date with new owners.
2. Motion by Boss, Spearing to approve budget amendments. CARRIED 6-0
3. Motion by Boss, Stewart to appoint Jerry Rasmussen to fill the trustee vacancy until the next general election in 2 years. CARRIED 6-0
4. Motion by Spearing, Boss to approve the list of Officers and Committees. CARRIED 6-0
5. Motion by Boss, Spearing to approve the meeting procedures. CARRIED 6-0
6. Motion by Sowers, Stewart to approve applying for the Michigan Township Participating Plan (Par Plan) Risk Reduction Grant. CARRIED 6-0
7. Motion by Spearing, McCallum to terminate Jessica Spencer of Complete Community Planning as the village’s planning consultant. CARRIED 6-0
8. Motion by McCallum, Stewart to approve the zoning fee schedule. CARRIED 6-0
9. Motion by Campbell, Spearing to approve the proposed Village of Ellsworth Master Plan Update for
distribution to Banks Township and Antrim County. CARRIED 6-0
10. Motion by Stewart, Boss to pay the bills. CARRIED 6-0
11. Motion by Spearing, Sowers to adjourn at 7:40pm. CARRIED 6-0
Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk