Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

December 12, 2022






DECEMBER 12,2022


Present: Campbell, Sowers, Spearing, McCallum, Palajac, A. Drenth, Dhillon and M. Drenth


Absent: Potter


Others:  Linda VanAndel, Jacob Byrd and Jerry Rasmussen


Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:00 pm.


  1. Motion by Spearing, McCallum to accept the November 14, 2022 regular minutes as presented. CARRIED 7-0


PUBLIC INPUT:  Linda VanAndel provided an update on replacement of the culvert by River Park.. GFA is doing a preliminary study to be able to provide an estimate of the cost of the replacement.




  1. Police: Met with Jacob Byrd concerning the open position of Police Chief. Dhillon questioned how many hours were budgeted for that position.





  1. Finance Committee – Next year’s budget meeting will be Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 6:00 pm.
  2. DDA – Trunk or Treat was a huge success. January 12, 2023 will be the State of the Community meeting.




  1. Wooden Shoe Holiday Festival – Has been cancelled for this year.
  2. Township Clean-up Day – Tentatively set for May 13, 2023.
  3. Feedback for Branding Consultant – Suggestions are requested.
  4. Committees for 2023-2024 – Open discussion about who would be interested in what position.
  5. Sewer project update – the FDA loan for this project has been approved for 45% of the project. Further funding will be required to move forward with the project.
  6. Community Park Pavilion Rental – Will re-visit next month to determine for rate to reserve the Pavilion.
  7. Christmas Tree in the Community Square – Issue with the lights this year.





  1. Motion by Palajac, Dhillon to approve the budget amendments. CARRIED 7-0


  1. Motion by Spearing, Sowers to approve the Meeting Procedures. CARRIED 7-0


  1. Motion by Spearing, Palajac to update DDA membership. Marcie Palajac, Lynn Spearing and Nate Swailes  have been re-appointed.  Pastor Chris Wallace has been newly appointed.  CARRIED 7-0


  1. Motion by Spearing, A. Drenth to approve Jacob C. Byrd to fill the Vacant Police Chief position. CARRIED 7-0


  1. Motion by Campbell, Sowers to approve S-Parks Grant Resolution. CARRIED 7-0


  1. Motion by Campbell, McCallum to pay the bills. CARRIED 7-0


  1. Motion by Palajac, McCallum to adjourn at 7:45pm. CARRIED 7-0







Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk