Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

August 2016




AUGUST 8, 2016

Present: Campbell, Boss, Sowers, Stewart, Spearing, McCallum, and Potter.

Absent: Kammerer

Others: Jessica Spencer, Janice Drost, Jerry Drost, Lisa Schneider

Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:30 PM

1. Motion by McCallum, Sowers to accept the July 11, 2016 minutes as presented. CARRIED. 6-0


Jerry and Janice Drost expressed concern about speeding in town.

Lisa Schneider had questions about the letter she received about having a kennel in town.

The circus sponsored on the 4th of July by the Lion and Lioness clubs netted each of them $1,200.00.


Police: N/A

DPW: The water project is in the final phase. It is coming in under bids by approximately $50,000.00.

Streets: We are reviewing the streets that are in need of paving.


Planning Commission: The Marijuana Ordinance Hearing is set for September 8, 2016.

Parks and Recreation: Revenue is $4,000.00 above last year at this time.


a. Community Square Project Phase 1 is waiting for the water line to be installed and for the tree to be moved and shrubs to be planted when the weather is conducive for that project.

b. MI Farm Market and Moose Head Garage are moving forward.

c. Paddle Antrim is experiencing a great response.

d. There is one open seat on the Village Council for which no one has filed a petition.

e. The paving of Bridge Street has been put on hold at the present time.

f. There has been interest by some individuals in replacing the bridge on Bridge Street.

g. There was a hearing for the formation of a Village DDA held prior to the Village Council meeting on August 8, 2016.


2. Motion by Boss, Spearing to approve the purchase of two new doors for the Village Garage from Richter Construction, Inc. for $3,177.09. CARRIED 6-0

3. Motion by Boss, Stewart to approve the purchase of $1,500.00 prepay propane with Ellsworth Farmers Exchange. CARRIED 6-0

4. Motion by McCallum, Boss to approve payment of bills on water update project contingent upon

approval by R.D.. CARRIED 6-0

5. Motion by Boss, Spearing to approve the budget amendments as presented. CARRIED 6-0

6. Motion by Stewart, Sowers to pay the bills. CARRIED 6-0

7. Motion by Sowers, Spearing to adjourn at 8:45PM. CARRIED 6-0

Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk