Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

May 9, 2022





MAY 9, 2022



Present: Campbell, Boss, Sowers, Spearing, Palajac and Drenth


Absent: Stewart, McCallum and Potter


Others:  Chief Herrick, Jerry Rasmussen


Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:00 PM


  1. Motion by Sowers, Boss to accept April 11, 2022, regular minutes as presented. CARRIED 5-0


PUBLIC INPUT:  Rasmussen expressed concern about the speeding in town and the garbage on the sides of the roads.

 Palajac thanked the DPW for the way that they responded to the water leak at his house.                      




  1. Police: Chief Herrick gave his monthly report. He has also turned over to the County his findings to be able to bring charges regarding the break-ins that have occurred in the Village over the last several months.


  1. DPW: N/A


  1. Streets: The yellow lines on the streets will be painted again this year after the construction on the Ellsworth Atwood road has been completed.





  1. Planning Commission: Meets this week.


  1. Parks and Recreation: The park attendants for Wooden Shoe Park are back for the season.  The summer recreation program is moving forward.


  1. DDA: Held a ZOOM meeting this past week.  Are sponsoring a meet and greet reception May 12, 2022, starting at 5:00pm.  It will be held in the upper level of Banks Township Hall.





  1. 2022 Pig Roast – Plans are moving forward.
  2. 2022 Fireworks – Plans are moving Forward.
  3. Breezeway Garage Sale – Will be held May 27 and May 28.
  4. Zoning Administrator – Andy Veenstra has resigned, and Larry Essenberg will temporarily fill the position.
  5. Paddle Antrim – Will be held September 15, 16 and 17.
  6. Auditors – Will be here May 31 and June 1 for the 2021-2022 audit.
  7. Cleanup Day – Will be held May 14 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
  8. DDA reception and Community update – May 12 starting at 5:00pm.
  9. Delinquent Water Bills – Letters have been mailed.





  1. Motion by Boss, Palajac to approve a contribution of $500.00 toward the Pig Roast. CARRIED 5-0


  1. Motion by Campbell, Spearing to approve a contribution of $1000.00 towards the Fireworks. CARRIED 5-0


  1. Motion by Spearing, Sowers to approve Larry Essenberg as the temporary Zoning Administrator. CARRIED 5-0


  1. Motion by Boss, Palajac to pass a resolution to apply for a Par Plan grant that will pay for a body camera and taser for Chief Herrick. CARRIED 5-0


  1. Motion by Sowers, Spearing to approve the Legal Services Agreement and authorizing Hugh Campbell to sign it. CARRIED 5-0


  1. Motion by Palajac, Spearing to pay the bills. CARRIED 5-0


  1. Motion by Boss, Palajac to adjourn at 7:55pm. CARRIED 5-0






Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk