Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

June 2019





JUNE 10, 2019

Present: Campbell, Boss, Sowers, Spearing, McCallum, Rasmussen, and Potter

Absent: Stewart, Drenth

Others: Pat and Carol Mikula, Janice Drost, Rob Essenberg, Jack Danbert, and Police Chief Morris

Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:03 PM

1. Motion by Boss/McCallum to accept the May 13, 2019 minutes as presented. CARRIED 6-0

PUBLIC INPUT: Rob Essenberg, Wesleyan Church, requesting a lot line adjustment to lots 204 & 205 and creating an easement on the south end of lots.


Police: reported visit to property owners who were in violation of nuisance ordinance.


Streets: Need to spend more on sidewalks this year


Planning Commission: NA

Parks and Recreation: Need to replace refrigerator at Sports Park and Woodenshoe Campground

Woodenshoe should have new wireless internet up and running this week


a. Need to spend more on sidewalks

b. Pig Roast needs more volunteers

c. Paddle Antrim: 9/10 to be filming kayakers Tuesday Morning, June 11 at Ellsworth River Park

Paddle Antrim will have events and cruise at Pig Roast Friday Night

d. Flowers at Community Square are ion

e. Farmers Market at Community Square Saturday Mornings is doing well

f. Updated Board for DDA.

g. Waiting for letter from Health Department for GFA to continue with grant application

h. Traffic Radar Sign has been ordered.

I. House on the Hill will be putting up an orange fence along property line.


2. Motion by Rasmussen/Spearing to update DDA Board of Directors as listed below:

Hugh Campbell, Ron Boss, Judy Wagner Worgess, Mary Faculak, Jan Rasmussen, Tina Sundelius, Mary Peterson, Rusty Powers, and Julie Waterman Carried 6-0

3. Motion by Rasmussen, McCallum to place the delinquent water bills on the tax rolls. Carried 6-0

4. Motion by Spearing/Rasmussen to approve L-4029 setting the Millage Rate at 12.2439 Carried 6-0

5. Motion by Rasmussen/Boss to approve the Warranty Resolutions. Carried 6-0

6. Motion by Rasmussen/Spearing to approve Resolution 06102019 Regarding Administration Fees for

Property Taxes. Carried 6-0

7. Motion by Rasmussen/Spearing to approve the budget amendments. Carried 6-0

8. Motion by Campbell/Sowers to support and approve Wesleyan Church’s plan to:

a. rewrite tax ID 05-44-010-131-00 (currently lot 205) to include 5 feet from the south edge of lot 204

b. rewrite tax ID 05-44-010-123-00 (currently the west 56 feet of lot 190) to include the west 56 feet of lots 191 and 204 minus the 5 feet along the south edge of lot 204

c. rewrite tax ID 05-44-010-125-00 (currently lots 191 and 204) to be the east 76 feet of lots 191 and 204 minus the 5 feet along the south edge of lot 204

See attached for compete legal descriptions and survey as written and certified by licensed professional surveyor Scott Alexander Papineau, PS no. 50446 Carried 6-0

8. Motion by Rasmussen/Boss to pay the bills. Carried 6-0

9. Motion by Spearing to adjourn

Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk