JUNE 12, 2023
Present: Campbell, Dhillon, A. Drenth, Sowers, Spearing, McCallum, and M. Drenth
Virtual: Palajac
Absent: Potter
Others: Jerry Rasmussen
Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:00pm
- Motion by Spearing, A. Drenth to accept the May 8, 2023, regular minutes as presented.CARRIED 6-0
- Motion by Spearing, McCallum to accept the May 8, 2023, Zoning Board of Appeals and Project Plan Public meeting as presented. CARRIED 6-0
Speeding in the Village was discussed. One of the radar signs is not working properly.
- Police:Chief Byrd was not present at the meeting.
- DPW: N/A
- Streets:Discussed paving on Park Street and Essex Road. Discussed dust control by the recycling bins.
- DDA:The DDA is sponsoring Concerts in the Community Square starting Wednesday, June 28, 2023, and running each Wednesday through August 2, 2023. They are also working on narrowing down decisions regarding the new signage project.
- Planning Commission:N/A
- Parks and Recreation:Wooden Shoe Campground is having a good summer. The Summer Recreation Program is in full swing.
- Paddle Antrim – Moving forward with plans for the Annual Paddle Antrim event in September.
- Wastewater project – Moving forward with gathering additional information requested by the USDA.
- Update on DWSRF Project – Necessary filing information has been completed.Waiting for notification in September of the status of our request.
- Village flowers have been put in place.The Village purchased the pots placed around the town and the DDA purchased the hanging baskets in the center of town.
- 2022-2023 Audit – The Auditors completed the annual audit May 30 and May 31, 2023.We are waiting for the final report.
- Buildings at Sports Park – ECS has agreed to build the buildings and the Village will supply the necessary lumber.
- DPW – Discussion about finding a replacement for Tex Drenth who plans to retire in 2024.
- Chickens – A. Drenth will talk to the resident concerning the problem of their free-range chickens.
- Motion by McCallum, Spearing to approve the Delinquent Water Bill Resolution – CARRIED 6-0
- Motion by Campbell, Sowers to set Millage Rate (L-4029) at 12.5 mills. CARRIED 6-0
- Motion by Spearing, Campbell to approve the Tax Collection Resolution.CARRIED 6-0
- Motion by McCallum, Sowers to approve the Budget Amendments.CARRIED 6-0
- Motion by Campbell, Sowers to approve 4 new picnic tables for the Wooden Shoe Campground.CARRIED 6-0
- Motion by Campbell, Dhillon to pay the bills.CARRIED 6-0
- Motion by McCallum, Spearing to adjourn at 8:00pm.CARRIED 6-0
Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk