Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

August 12, 2024





AUGUST 12, 2024



Present: Campbell, Dhillon, A. Drenth, Sowers, Spearing, McCallum, Bennett and M. Drenth


Absent: Potter


Others:  Jacob Byrd, Jarris Rubingh, Jerry Rasmussen, Mike Strange, Brenda Boss Jones, Bethany Cooper, Sandra Davies Webster.


Meeting called to order by Campbell at 7:00pm


  1. Motion by McCallum, Spearing to accept the regular minutes of July 8, 2024, as presented. CARRIED 7-0


PUBLIC INPUT: Brenda Boss Jones would like to put a Memorial Bench by the lake at Community Park in honor of her brother Ron Boss.  Jerry Rasmussen expressed his view regarding the issue of the culvert on Bridge Street.




  1. Police: Chief Byrd informed Council a new radio is needed for the police car.


  1. DPW: N/A


  1. Streets: N/A





  1. DDA: Concerts in the Park are done for the 2024 season.  Another information sign is going to be placed by the Community Park. 
  2. Planning Commission: Will meet August 15, 2024.
  3. Parks and Recreation: Accepted the resignation of Sarah Essenberg as the recreation director.  Bethany Cooper has applied to fill that position.





  1. Consumers Power: A representative from Consumers Power will be at the September 9, 2024, meeting. They will be providing information regarding the electrical lines for Forest Hill Development. The meeting will be virtual under the direction of Strange Security.


  1. Ellsworth Farmers Exchange: The area that they want sidewalk repair done has been marked and the Village is getting estimates for the work.
  2. Paddle Antrim: Moving forward.
  3. Sewage Project: Discussion was held with the owner of the property concerning the timeline for the closing of the         project.
  4. Work on track: Contractor has started on the project.
  5. Playground equipment:  Still waiting for cement to be poured so equipment can be put in place.
  6. Hydrology group/Chain of Lakes/Bridge Street: There is a meeting September 26, 2024, that Campbell and McCallum will attend.
  7. Dollar General: McCallum has talked with the Manager of the local Dollar General concerning the mowing of their lawn.








  1. Motion by Bennett, Campbell to approve the budget amendments. CARRIED 7-0


  1. Motion by Bennett, McCallum to approve prepay propane in the amount of $2,500.00 to Ellsworth Farmer’s Exchange. CARRIED 7-0


  1. Motion by Campbell, Dhillon to approve the hiring of Bethany Copper as the recreation Director. CARRIED 7-0


  1. Motion by Sowers, Dhillon to approve the bills. CARRIED 7-0


  1. Motion by Dhillon, A. Drenth to adjourn at 8:20pm. Carried 7-0







Marlene Drenth, Village Clerk