Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

September 26



5:00 PM.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Lynn Spearing for Mary Faculak, Chairperson.
• Members Present: Sundelius, Spearing, Swailes, Campbell, Palajac
• Member’s Absent: Waterman, McCallum, Faculak, Randall
Others Present: Pastor Chris Wallace
Approval of the Agenda:
Proposed change to this agenda made by Spearing: Adding action items for Halloween Event,
Labyrinth Update, and Paddle Antrim Update
A motion to approve the agenda was made by Sundelius and seconded by Swailes.
Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Approval of the Minutes:
A motion to approve the minutes from the July 25, 2022 meeting was made by Spearing and
seconded by Campbell.
Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Monthly Reports
Treasurer’s Report (Hugh Campbell for McCallum): Financial Report attached. Motion to
accept by Sundelius and seconded by Swailes.
Village President’s Report (Hugh Campbell): The sewage proposal is still moving along with
the federal government. He is hoping for a good size grant.
Committee Reports
Concerts on the Square: The concerts were well received. Will continue to have them in 2023.
We will need to look for younger performers to draw in a younger crowd.
Wayfinding Signs: A grant for $1500 was received from Grand Traverse Community
Foundation for branding and signage. The public from the Village and the Township will be
invited to suggest ideas for branding.
Paddle Antrim (Lynn Spearing): Record number of paddlers registered. The food truck needs
to be moved closer to the registration. The music was too loud and hard for the registrants to
register. There is a need to tweak positioning and sound of the band.
Halloween in Town Square: Discussion on having a Fall Festival. Pastor Chris Wallace was in
attendance and suggested a Fall Festival with a Trunk or Treat in the Community Square. The
Banks Twp fire department is planning an event in the fire house. Raising funds was suggested
for carbon monoxide and fire extinguishers to the adults. The Front Porch would be willing to
provide refreshments. A food truck may be available from Cutlers. The Coop Exchange may be
able to help with a tractor with hay. Pastor Chris could team up with the Fire Department to
plan this event. It was decided that Halloween night is the night of the event from 5:00 p.m. to
7:00 p.m. at the Community Square. Sundelius will ask Farm Markets if they can donate
pumpkins. There is a 12:00 p.m. meeting on Thursday, September 29 at Banks Twp Hall for
those working on this program. Swailes will speak with Gold Nugget for some involvement.
Labyrinth (Lynn Spearing): The Labyrinth is not being maintained to the level it should. There
is no consistency to the maintenance. Spearing suggested using DDA funds to pay for a
landscaping company to maintain it. We will put this item on the agenda in the new year to get
Chair Update: None
Board Member Updates: None
Public Comment: Chris Wallace discussed the Halloween plans above.
Motion to adjourn at 5:50 p.m. was made by Campbell and seconded by Swailes.
Motion carried by unanimous consent.
The next regular meeting will be held on October 24, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. at Banks Township Hall
located at 6520 Center Street, Ellsworth 231-588-7411.
_______________________________________________________ September 26, 2022
Submitted by: Marci Palajac, Secretary
________________________________________________________ ___________________
Approved by: Mary Faculak, Chairperson Date