Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

November 29, 2019

November 29, 2018
Meeting Called to Order at 6:03pm
Present: Members: Hugh Campbell, Lynn Spearing, Mary Faculak, Mary Peterson, Julie Waterman, and Ron Boss. Guest Judy Worgess. Absent: Rusty Powers, Tom Man, Heide MacNicol, and Al Drenth

Action Items:
Moved by Lynn Spearing to appoint Rusty Powers Chairperson, seconded by Ron Boss. Carried 6-0
Moved by Mary Faculak to appoint Ron Boss Vice Chairperson, seconded by Mary Peterson. Carried 6-0
Moved by Hugh Campbell for Judy Worgess to replace Al Drenth on the DDA Board, seconded by Ron Boss. Carried 6-0
Moved by Lynn Spearing to approve the Development Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan, seconded by Mary Faculak. Carried 6-0
Moved by Hugh Campbell to send Julie Waterman to The Michigan Small Farm Conference and pay the $67.50 Registration Fee, Second by Mary Peterson Carried 6-0
Discussed Items:
Veteran Memorial Water Display in Community Square
Sanitary Sewer System for Village
Communication between Village, Township, School on Community Activities
Building for Community Square – DDA preferred the rectangular pavilion
Farmers Market in Community Square
Township Master Plan
Board Secretary