Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

May 23




Monday, May 23, 2022
5:00 p.m. at Banks Township Hall, Ellsworth

Regular Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mary Faculak, Chairperson.

• Members Present: Faculak, Spearing, Randall, McCallum, Palajac, Campbell, Waterman

• Members Absent: Sundelius Others Present: None

Approval of the Agenda:

A motion to approve the agenda was made by Campbell and seconded by Randall. Motion carried by unanimous consent.

Approval of the Minutes:

There were no minutes from the previous month because our regular meeting was taken place by a workshop.

Monthly Reports
Treasurer’s Report: (Ginny McCallum) – There is approximately $13,000 in the account.

Village President’s Report: (Hugh Campbell)- Campbell received a call from Michigan Municipal League to do a story on the Village of Ellsworth in The Review. Police Chief is putting up the speed radars.
Tex has the order to pull down the old business signs.

Paving will be done from the village limits to Center Street.
There may be repercussions for the Village on the drowning of a boy in Ellsworth Lake. Sewage Project is moving along. The property has passed. Working on an estimation of what each family will pay for the sewers.
Flowers in pots will be put out. McCallum will be speaking with Tex to help out with that project.

Committee Reports

Concerts on the Square: All dates and bands are set. Spearing brought up the subject of a food truck. We need to research if a permit is needed. Campbell said there is no zoning ordinance against having a food truck. Faculak will look into what East Jordan has for ordinances for food trucks. Spearing suggested we take the approved funds to feed the bands that perform. Spearing suggested we celebrate and dedicate the town square sometime during the summer. A plaque can be presented and a banner made through Vista Print. It was discussed that we do this celebration in August. Perhaps bring the Drawbridge Ukulele group in for entertainment. August 10 at 5:30 has been tentatively set. It will be called a Community Square Ribbon Cutting and Appreciation Reception. Campbell will be in charge of arranging the food. We discussed using The Gold Nugget.

Wayfinding Signs/Consultant Update: Wayfinding Signs – Spearing was given the name of a firm for signs from John Iacoangli, but they have not gotten back to her. She will look into getting another company.
John Iacoangli has not charged for the full amount of the grant. Spearing will look into what we can do with the remaining monies.

Spearing suggested getting community feedback on branding. Faculak will look into a planning company for wayfinding signs.

Chairperson’s Report: (Mary Faculak) – We need to make a change on Article 3 Section 1 – the meeting time needs to be changed to 5:00 p.m. from 6:00 p.m.. This change will be brought to the Village Council. Section 1 under Attendance in the by- laws says the DDA needs to have 12 meetings a year. This also needs to be amended. In November we need to approve the dates of the meetings for the following year.MOTION – Change Article 3 Section 1 to 5:00 p.m. as the DDA meeting time. Waterman made the motion and McCallum seconded.

Board Member Updates – Faculak has asked Nathan from the Coop Exchange if he would be interested in joining the DDA and he is very interested.


Motion to adjourn at 6:00 p.m. was made by Campbell and seconded by McCallum. Motion was carried by unanimous consent.

The next regular meeting will be held on June 27, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. at Banks Twp. Hall located at 6520 Center Street, Ellsworth 231-588-7411

____________________________________________ May 23, 2022 Submitted by: Marci Palajac, Secretary

_____________________________________________ __________________ Approved by: Mary Faculak, Chairperson Date