Monday, May 20, 2024
Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by chairperson, Mary Faculak.
Members present: Mary Faculak, Lynn Spearing, Chris Wallace, Tina Sundelius, Hugh Campbell, Nate Swailes.
Members absent: Ginny McCallum, Chris Randall.
A ribbon cutting was held at 4:00pm.
Approval of the Agenda:
A motion to approve the agenda was made by Swailes, seconded by Wallace. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Approval of the Minutes:
A motion to approve the meeting Minutes from the April 29, 2024 regular meeting as presented was made by Wallace, seconded by Campball. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Treasurer’s Report:
Spearing reported that the bank balance was $9,108.40. Everything is paid up to date. There are some expected Concerts on the Square expenses. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Campbell, seconded by Swailes. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Student Representative: Liam is not responding to our calls or those of the school. Faculak will reach out to the East Jordan DDA, who have a student representative on their board to inquire as to the process they worked out with the school. There is a great deal of ECS student interest reported. Our goal is to have a student rep in place by the September meeting.
Concerts on the Square: All bands and hosts are set. Rack cards are printed. We are ready to go.
Way finding Signage: Faculak presented an illustration of the next signs that will be placed near the entrance to the Community Park. There was some confusion as to the exact placement of the signs and the necessity of having 2 in such close proximity. The signs were bid by Pro Image at $6,000 each. It was agreed that we will reach out to pro Image for a new rendering of only one sign, possibly 2-sided. Faculak will set up a zoom meeting to discuss changes.
Chairperson Report:
Banners: Breezeway & Ellsworth Village banners are on display at the Clare Welcome center, the Mackinaw City display goes up in July. Banners for the village will cost only $30.83 because the set up fee has been paid. Spearing will count banner poles in the village. Faculak will order the banners before the next meeting.
Breezeway Garage Sales: Are set to go Memorial weekend. There is a lot of participation this year. The 27th Spring golf Outing is full with 15 teams. The Chamber is looking for prize donations.
Informational Meetings:
As a DDA we are expected to either update our TIF plan or hold periodic informational meetings with the public. An informational meeting was scheduled for June 24 at 6:00 pm. After our June regular meeting.
Planning Together Meeting: To be held with the township, village and both planning commissions. To promote a common vision. To be held in September.
Swailes: Attended the NLEA Symposium-Their staff have each chosen a county to assist and met with people in their various counties to discuss how they can be of assistance the Ellsworth Village sewer project was on the top of their list. Jessica Lovay is our rep and says she is on call for any assistance we may need. There is construction going on at the Farmers Exchange. The electric for the pumps has been moved. There is a meeting scheduled for May 23 with Consumers energy to go over information concerning pole removal.
Sundelius: Looking into the possibility of forming an endowment to maintain the Labyrinth. A segment on the Pig Roast will air on May 30 on TV 9&10 at 8am & 4pm.
Campbell: The village is slowly moving forward on the sewer project. They are working with Blake Smith at the USDA, who is not very helpful. The community Park rest rooms have been resided. The High School Building Trades class will be building a storage building behind the main ball field as well as a small garage to house the sheriff (small office) and his car. Beginning in the fall.
A motion to adjourn was made by Swailes, seconded by Wallce. The next regular meeting will be held on June 24, 2024 followed by a public informational meeting.
_________________________________________________________on May 23, 2024
Submitted by Tina Sundelius
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Mary Faculak, Chairperson Date