Monday, June 27, 2022
5:00 p.m. at Banks Township Hall, Ellsworth
Regular Meeting
Meeting was called to order at 5:01 p.m. by Mary Faculak, Chairperson.
Others Present: Nathan Swailes, Ellsworth Farmer’s Exchange (Manager)
Approval of the Agenda:
A motion to approve the agenda was made by Waterman and seconded by Randall.
Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Approval of the Minutes:
A motion to approve the amended minutes from May 23, 2022 by Waterman and seconded by Spearing.
Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Monthly Reports
Treasurer’s Report: (Ginny McCallum) – Campbell passed out the budget control sheet in McCallum’s absence. It was mentioned that Kadin McCallum needs to be paid by submitting an invoice to the Village Clerk for playing at Concert on the Square. In the future, the budget control sheet will be attached with the agenda for members to look over before the meeting. Motion to accept the Financial Report by Sundelius and seconded by Campbell.
Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Village President’s Report: (Hugh Campbell) – Pig Roast was a success. Thanks to Tina Sundelius for her work on the Pig Roast. Ellsworth is a Century Village this year. This will be acknowledged at the Community Square Reception. There will be a special meeting on July 11 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Sewer Project.
Committee Reports
Concerts on the Square: The first concert went well. There are two more concerts scheduled. Spearing asked if the band can use the chairs from the Banks Twp. Building. Sundelius will confirm this. Spearing will be at the square with keys so there will be access to the building. A cooler needs to be set up for the band players for consumption of water. A check list needs to be put together as procedure for each concert. A contract needs to be constructed for future concerts in the years to come. Dr. Randall mentioned that he has a sandwich board that we can use temporarily until we purchase our own.
A motion was made to purchase a sandwich board for up to $250 by Sundelius and seconded by Waterman.
Roll to call to accept this motion: Faculak – yes, Campbell- yes, Palajac-yes, Sundelius-yes, Waterman-yes, Randall-yes, Spearing-yes.
Way Finding Signs/Consultant Update: Spearing reported that she is meeting with Rotary Charities in order to ask if we can spend additional monies and ask if John Iaconangli can return with a final plan. She submitted a grant to Consumer’s Energy. Faculak will contact Klause Heinert for site plan information. Ellsworth will be featured in this month’s Michigan Municipal Magazine.
Community Square Reception: Faculak contacted the Drawbridge Ukulele Band and they are available at 5:30-7:00 p.m. with a $250 stipend. August 10 is the date for this event. The Go Fund Me money through MEDC will be used for the budget. Expenditures will be music, food and banners. It was discussed that Faculak contact EJ Catering to cater this event. Spearing suggested that donors get individual invites. An invitation and flyer needs to be designed. Faculak will ask Shannon Fender for ideas.
Strategic Plan Discussion: Discussed above.
Chairperson’s Update (Mary Faculak) – A meeting has been added for July 25, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. at Banks Twp. Hall to make sure we are on track for the Community Square Reception. The Ellsworth banner is up in Clare at the Welcome Center. The food truck ordinance states there is a one time fee to be in designated areas. This information is available online. Paddle Antrim plans are being made.
Board Member Updates – Nathan Swailes from the Ellsworth Farmer’s Exchange has agreed to join the DDA.
MOTION: Nathan Swailes to replace Jan Rasmussen’s position as a member of the DDA. Spearing moved and Waterman seconded
Motion to adjourn at 6:12 p.m. was made by Sundelius and seconded by Randall.
Motion was carried by unanimous consent.
The next regular meeting will held July 25, 2022 at 5:00 pm. at Banks Township Hall located at 6520 Center Street, Ellsworth 231-588-7411.
_________________________________________ June 27, 2022
Submitted by: Marci Palajac, Secretary
__________________________________________ ____________________
Approved by: Mary Faculak, Chairperson Date