Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

June 26, 2023




MONDAY, JUNE 26, 2023


Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mary Faculak, Chairperson.

  • Members Present: Palajac, Faculak, Sundelius, Wallace, Swailes, Spearing, Randall
  • Members Absent: Campbell, McCallum

Others Present: None

Approval of Agenda:

A motion to approve the agenda was made by Wallace and seconded by Swailes. Motion carried by unanimous consent.

Approval of the Minutes:

A motion to approve the Meeting Minutes from May 22, 2023 was made by Sundelius and seconded by Palajac.

Motion carried with unanimous consent.

Treasurer’s Report (Lynn Spearing for Ginny McCallum) $12,178.74 is the current balance. Expenses for Concerts on the Square is $1250.00. Monies were paid out for hanging baskets, rack cards and cooler for the concerts.

Committee Reports:      

Concerts on the Square: Spearing reminded all the hosts to make sure they have their task sheet. The group walked around to see where the plugs go and the ice and cooler are.

Sundelius reminded the Gold Nugget of the concert on Wednesday. She was assured that they will be ready.

Wayfinding Signage: Spearing reported that Pro Image sent over the final list for the signage.

They also sent over some specs. Two directional signs are suggested. $6,890 for the two signs. The kiosk will be $4,280. Installation will be $1 ,320.00. We discussed the expense and where we could possibly get more money. Swailes committed the Co-op Farmers Exchange to sponsor a sign for half of the $4,280, at which time he was profusely thanked. Spearing will take this proposal to the Village Council. Faculak would like the DDA to attend the next Council meeting on July 1 0 to present the sign proposal. Spearing announced that we received a grant from the Traverse City Cycling Club for bike racks.

Beautification: Spearing reported that the hanging flowers have been put up. McCallum and the DPW Supervisor are communicating about the care of the flowers. The DPW Supervisor was informed of the signage coming. There was concern among our members of the blight at a certain property leading into town. Spearing will follow up with our Police Officer to make sure the proper channels are followed.

Chair Update (Mary Faculak) – Ribbon cutting out at Atwood Hardware and Lumber, who will be supporters of the Breezeway. Breezeway Banner is up. Congratulations to the Pig Roast Committee. What a great event this year. Paddle Antrim registration day party will be booking “Two Beats” on September 14, 2023. The last Paddle Antrim meeting had two new board members seated. Faculak is the only co-founder left on the board. No other Chambers beside East Jordan Area Chamber is involved. Faculak would like to find people from Ellsworth/East Jordan area to be involved. The Chamber has partnered with Boyne City Chamber and are selling Chamber Champion tickets for a drawing on November 3, 2023.

Board Member Updates: Swailes reported that the Exchange is very busy and are expanding their hours. The House on the Hill Bed and Breakfast is having their best June ever. Sundelius handed out brochures for the Village of Ellsworth. We are to check them to be sure they are good to go. Randall reported that North Country Veterinary is adding new technology such as a hyperbaric chamber. They also hired a new

Public Comment: None


A motion to adorn at 6:02 p.m. was made by Randall and seconded by Sundelius. Motion carried by unanimous consent.

The next regular meeting will held on August 28, 2023 at Banks Township Hall located at 6520


Center st., Ellsworth 231-588-7411.

June 26, 2023

Submitted by: Marci Palajac, Secretary

Approved by: Mary Faculak, Chairperson                                  Date