Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

July 26





JULY 26, 2021


Meeting was called to order at 5:01 p.m. by Mary Faculak, filling in for Rusty Powers, Chairperson.

  • Members Present: Faculak, Campbell, Waterman, Rasmussen, Palajac
  • Members Absent: Powers, Sundelius


Others Present: Ginny McCallum, Lynn Spearing


Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Waterman and seconded by Rasmussen.

Motion carried by unanimous consent.


Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from the June 28, 2021 meeting was made by Rasmussen and seconded by Waterman.

Motion carried by unanimous consent.


Monthly Reports


Treasurer’s Report: There are no funds to report on at this time.


Village of Ellsworth Report: Campbell reported that the Village is a redevelopment ready community. This is why DDA is important. If a person wants to join the DDA, what does he/she do?  They are to contact the Chairperson and then it is taken to the Council for approval. If there are no openings, they can be on the wait list.

The Sewage Program is still being worked on and the environmental study passed. Recovery funds have been applied for. $36,000 has been set aside for Ellsworth. Part of that fund will be used for the archeological study. We have been informed by EGLE that we have to do a Reliability Water Study.

Dollar General contacted Campbell and they are trying to arrange for a clean up in front of the store.

The Pig Roast was a huge success, with the exception of not enough servers. A discussion ensued about getting the younger generation (high schoolers) to be a part of the community. There is no connection right now.

Rasmussen mentioned that she will email the person doing maintenance on the pickle ball court.


Committee Reports:

  • Water Trail Initiative: Faculak reported that there is a lot activity on the water trail. There are water trail maps that are available. Registration is ongoing for Paddle Antrim.
  • Village Blight Control: Rasmussen reported that two trailer slabs have sold.
  • Ellsworth Beautification: Discussion on having a clean up, then a parade and awards.
  • Business Retention and Recruitment: Breezeway Paddle Sports are getting closer to opening in Ellsworth. There will be a ribbon cutting for them. Lynn Spearing is trying to contact Joel Jacob.
  • Farmer’s Market: Waterman reported that she has not been at the last couple markets but has been in touch with all the vendors. Still working on getting produce.
  • Housing: Faculak reported that the committee met at the property across from Ebenezer school to determine if it is right for housing.


 Old Business:

  • Village Business Signs: It was reported that Rusty Powers and his wife can construct the signs for approximately $350.
  • Lynn Spearing reported that Rotary Charities has helped tremendously in the past. There is a new executive director. Spearing received a proposal for downtown Ellsworth Community Engagement and Placemaking Project. The overview is: The Village of Ellsworth Downtown Development Authority seeks to engage community stakeholders to inform DDA activities to ensure downtown Ellsworth remains an active, vibrant, and welcoming place to live, work, and play. The Village of Ellsworth DDA members were all in favor of this. This would be a good focus point for the DDA.
  • MOTION: Waterman motioned that we submit for a $10,000 seed grant to Rotary Charities which was seconded by Rasmussen. Motion carried by unanimous consent.


            New Business:

  • New DDA Member Nominations: There are two seats currently open. Two nominations are Lynn Spearing and Ginny McCallum.
  • MOTION: Motion to nominate Lynn Spearing to replace to Judy Worgess, whose term ends 12/31/2021, made by Waterman and seconded by Rasmussen. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
  • MOTION: Motion to nominate Ginny McCallum to replace Mary Peterson, whose term ends 12/31/2023, made by Campbell and seconded by Waterman. Motion carried by unanimous consent. A formal letter of appointment will be sent to Hugh Campbell, Village President to present to Village Council members.


Public Comment: Spearing reported that the Labrynth is not being maintained. We need             to create a “friends of the labrynth” project. Ginny McCallum offered her time to help out.

Ginny McCallum reported that having her wedding event on the same night of the fireworks              created some friction with an EllClair committee member. She passed around a letter that was written to her business to the     membership.





Motion to adjourn at  6:18 p.m. by Waterman and seconded by  Rasmussen.              

Motion approved by unanimous consent.


The next regular meeting will be held Monday, August 23, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. at the Banks Township Hall located at 6520 Center Street in Ellsworth. 231-588-7411.