Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 5:01 p.m. by Mary Faculak, Chairperson.
• Members Present: Palajac, Faculak, Spearing, Sundelius, Swailes, Wallace • Members Absent: McCallum, Campbell, Randall
Others Present: None
Approval of the Agenda:
A motion to approve the agenda was made by Spearing and seconded by Wallace. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Approval of the Minutes:
A motion to approve the Meeting Minutes from November 28, 2022 was made by Palajac and seconded by Sundelius.
Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Treasurer’s Report: (Lynn Spearing for Ginny McCallum) The balance is currently $15,214.48. Grand funds have been added as well as monies from the Trunk or Treat Halloween event. A motion to accept the Financial Report was made by Sundelius and seconded by Swailes.
Motion carried by unanimous consent.
A budget will need to be prepared as an amendment to the Village budget. A committee will
be formed to create the budget for this year. The budget will need to be done by March 1, 2023. The committee will be headed by McCallum, Sundelius and Wallace. Spearing will have a format prepared to give to the committee.
Chair Report: (Mary Faculak) Faculak presented the Spirit Award plaque to the Ellsworth DDA.
The banner is up for Ellsworth at the Clare welcome center. A Fall display case will be set up. Paddle Antrim went to the Welcome Center to set up a display. It was suggested that Pig Roast committee do the same.
Visitor Guides are being worked on. Events will need to be nailed down so they can be printed in the Guide.
Bethany from MSU Extension prepared a report from the November retreat that was held. Faculak will email this report out to each member.
Spearing suggested inviting the new Antrim County Administrator to one of our future meetings. It was suggested that he be invited to the March meeting.
Spearing reported that all of the Ellsworth DDA members try to be present at the next Banks Township Council meeting discussing the use of the Banks Township Hall chairs. Sundelius would like to suggest an addendum to the current policy. We will need to be put on the agendafor the February 20th at 6:00 p.m. meeting. Sundelius will develop a policy to be presented. Spearing reported that the Village will go out for bids for the maintenance of the labyrinth or decide not to further maintain it. Faculak is in favor of green belting the project. Future grant opportunities could be used in portion for the land that the labyrinth sits on.
Spearing would like to see Welcome Packets created for new residents in town.
Committee Reports:
Marketing and Branding – Spearing reported there was a lot of feedback from the logo meeting that was held for the community to give feedback. Hopefully there will be signage available to be put up by Memorial Day weekend. The DDA will need to devote some time to this topic at the February meeting.
Concerts on the Square – Will be held on every Wednesday starting the 3rd week in June. We discussed several musical groups to play. Swailes suggested there be a Movie on the Square in August to bring in families. Faculak suggested putting out a call to musicians. Palajac suggested asking the Gold Nugget have their outside space open for the concert nights so that people could get drinks and food. Faculak will have the call for musicians in the County News.
Board Member Comments: Swailes reported that the Farmer’s Exchange has 50 employees. They are purchasing equipment and resources to gear up for the Spring. Tomorrow a crane arrives to start removing the leg from the building and another contractor coming in to install a new leg. A lot of feedback has been made from the public about not accepting credit cards at the pump. There is limited support from Consumers Energy to support the gas station area.
A motion to adjourn at 6:09 p.m. was made by Wallace and seconded by Swailes.
The next regular meeting will be held on February 27, 2023 at Banks Township Hall located at 6520 Center St., Ellsworth 231-588-7411.
___________________________________________ Submitted by: Marci Palajac, Secretary
___________________________________________ Mary Faculak, Chairperson
January 30, 2023
________________ Date