MONDAY, January 29, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by chairperson, Mary Faculak.
Members present: Mary Faculak, Lynn Spearing, Nathan Swailes, Chris Wallace, and Tina Sundelius. Also present, Hannah Yurk.
Members absent: Hugh Campbell, Chris Randall, and Ginny McCallum.
Approval of the Agenda:
A motion to approve the agenda was made by spearing, seconded by Swailes. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Approval of the Minutes:
A motion to approve the meeting Minutes from the September 28, 2023 regular meeting with corrections to the Breezeway section ( changing Marci to Mary, including ”Ellsworth, East Jordan and Breezeway,” & correcting the spelling of Clare) was made by Wallace, seconded by Spearing.
Hannah Yurk, Community Development Manager with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation was in attendance to offer her services. She is a resident of Ellsworth. She covers 10 counties including Antrim. She works with businesses and developers on GAP financing projects, has many resources and contacts and said she is a good source of information and is available and happy to answer any questions we may have.
Treasurer’s Report:
There was no report available. However, there has been no activity since the September meeting so the balance of $15,214.48 should be accurate minus any interest earned.
Way finding Signage:
Miss Dig has been out to mark the install locations, the signs are in production, and should be installed in early spring. There will be a ribbon cutting at the sign locations shortly after installation.
Concerts on the Square:
A committee including Wallace, Spearing Faculak, Sundelius, and Yurk will meet in a week to discuss musician expectations and set things in motion.
Student Intern:
Wallace and Spearing met with Ellsworth school staff to discuss the idea of having a student representative on the DDA. The idea was well received and they are considering the possibility of offering a grade for the student that fills the position. Liam, a Charlevoix High School student who has served as an intern on the Charlevoix DDA has been invited to speak with us about his role there.
Breezeway Business of the Year:
The Ellsworth DDA extends proud celebratory congratulations to the Ellsworth Farmers Exchange who received the 2023 Breezeway Business of the Year award.
Chairperson Report:
Mary Faculak has stepped down from her board position with Paddle Antrim, she will be working with them on an advisory level. It would be beneficial if someone from the Ellsworth area joined the Paddle Antrim board when a position opens.
Wallace reported that the Ellsworth Christian Reformed Church has partnered with the Northern Michigan Community Action Agency Coalition to End Homelessness to prepare and fill a home they own on Main Street with a homeless family or couple. They are presently making repairs to the house. The agency will chose the new residents and they will be allowed to lease the home for 1-2 years in an attempt to transition them from homelessness to independent security.
He also stated that on Tuesday, local pastors will be meeting with Sam McKenzie of Northern Homes to look at what options churches have to help provide much needed housing in the community.
Wallace also suggested that the village produce a ‘Brand Kit’ to assist businesses in how, when and where the Village logo can be used.
Antrim Foundation:
A relatively new organization based in Bellaire could be a good asset for the DDA. Spearing met with the chairperson of their board and they want to include Ellsworth in their dealings.
A motion to adjourn was made by Faculak, seconded by Spearing. The next regular meeting will be held on
_________________________________________________________January 30, 2024 Submitted by Tina Sundelius
_________________________________________________________ ______________ Mary Faculak, Chairperson Date