Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-7411
Email: office@villageofellsworth.com

January 25









JANUARY 25, 2021



Meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Rusty Powers, Chairperson.


  • Members Present: Faculak, Rasmussen, Peterson, Palajac, Campbell, Waterman, Sundelius


  • Members Absent: Worgess


Others Present: Spearing


A roll call commenced with each member stating their name and county.


Agenda: Moved by Waterman to approve the meeting agenda and seconded by Faculak.

Motion carried by unanimous consent.


Meeting Minutes: Moved by Faculak to approve the minutes from the October 26, 2020 regular meeting, seconded by Peterson.

Motion carried by unanimous consent.


Monthly Reports


Treasurer’s Report: Peterson reported that there are no funds at this time.


Village Of Ellsworth Report: The property on Coeling Road is undergoing an environmental study. The property across from Ebenezer School is still being considered for housing. Water test results came back and the water in the Village of Ellsworth has zero PFAS with no lead pipes in the ground.


Committee Reports


  • Water Trail Initiative – Paddle Antrim had a meeting last week. The rules for the seats of the Chambers of Commerce involved are changing in the by-laws. We need more involvement from Ellsworth. The organization is solid. There could be a Paddle Antrim event this year and the plans are underway depending upon Covid 19 restrictions.
  • Village Blight Control – Fred Taylor bought the White House on Main Street. It will be renovated.
  • Ellsworth Beautification – Tabled
  • Business Retention and Recruitment – Discussed in New Business.
  • Farmer’s Market – Waterman reported that it is off season with no activity at this time. The Farmer’s Market will start back up in May depending upon Covid 19 restrictions.
  • Housing – The village will still be working on Senior Housing. Faculak had a meeting with Ellsworth Housing Solution in January. A survey will be sent out February 8 through March 8. Northern Homes will take the data and come up with a report. The next meeting is February 17 at 3:30 p.m.


Old Business:


  • Beach Improvement – Powers reported that he is looking at different aspects of what we can do as far as diagrams for improvement on the beach.
  • Dog Run Development – Powers is meeting with a man from Harbor Fencing who will provide an estimate. A portion of the fence has been opened up.
  • Housing Update – (Mary Faculak) – See Committee Reports.
  • Town Pride Day 2021 – May 8, 2021 will be the date for trash removal and clean up. The pavilion will be dedicated the following weekend. Prizes will be given for the Most Improved Property, and The Most Consistent Property for beautification. Local businesses will be asked to donate prizes. Faculak suggested that we tie the Water Trail into the day. Powers suggested a weekend of free camping at Wooden Shoe Campground as a prize. Faculak will ask Deanna Jardee from Paddle Antrim to come up with ideas to celebrate the Water Trail. Judy Worgess and Jan Drost will be asked to be judges. Powers suggested that Worgess be asked to come up with a committee to judge these properties. A community barbecue will be planned and if Covid 19 will not allow it, we will pivot in the plans. Powers will work on these plans and will speak with Worgess about what was discussed. Rasmussen reported that The Front Porch will donate, Powers will talk to the Co-op Exchange for a donation, and the Wooden Shoe Campground will be asked as well.
  • Grants for Branding – (Lynn Spearing) Spearing had a conversation with Rotary Charities in Traverse City about a Seed Grant. They were very encouraging. Campbell reported that the Village has a logo. Spearing will write the Grant. Rotary Charities will come in and guide us through the process. A letter from the DDA and the Village committing and endorsing the Grant will be needed once the grant is done being written.


New Business:


  • Renewal Process for DDA Members – Mary Faculak & Rusty Powers – Faculak and Powers are up for renewal. DDA voted for these nominations. Motion to approve Faculak and Powers as members made by Waterman and seconded by Sundelius. Motion was carried by unanimous consent.
  • Approval of the DDA 2021 Schedule – The Township Regular Meetings are in conflict with the DDA meeting schedule as it is set now. The dates of conflict are February 22, March 22, and November 22. After discussion with members, our new dates will be:

      February 15, March 15 and November 15 in place of the conflicting dates originally set.                             Motion to approve the 2021 DDA Schedule was made by Faculak and Rasmussen                             seconded. Motion carried by unanimous consent.                

  • Funding Options for the DDA – Spearing reported that new tax revenue that comes through the Village could come to the DDA. Tax Increment Financing will come from new businesses that are established. For this to happen in Ellsworth, it has to get approved by all who reside in the County and a public hearing is arranged. It was discussed by Spearing and Campbell and agreed that we have gone through these proceedings already. Spearing and Campbell will do some homework on this plan. Powers asked Spearing to contact him personally for any help. Faculak suggested Crowd Funding to raise money.


Questions from the Membership:

Rasmussen asked if sales are on par at Dollar General. Faculak has spoken to the morning manager and sales have been positive.


Public Comment: None





Motion to adjourn 7:15 p.m. by Waterman and seconded by Sundelius.

Motion approved by unanimous consent.


The next regular meeting will be held via Zoom (unless restrictions are lifted) on February 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.





____________________________________________________________ January 25, 2021

Submitted by: Marci Palajac, Secretary




_____________________________________________________________  _______________

Approved by: Rusty Powers, Chairperson                                              Date