Monday, February 26, 2024
Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by chairperson, Mary Faculak.
Members present: Mary Faculak, Lynn Spearing, Nathan Swailes, Chris Wallace, Tina Sundelius, Ginny McCallum. Also present, Liam Dreyer & Jessica Vanderhart.
Members absent: Hugh Campbell
Approval of the Agenda:
A motion to approve the agenda was made by Swailes, seconded by Wallace. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Student Intern:
Liam Dreyer, a Charlevoix High School senior and student representative to the Charlevoix DDA, presented his 501c3, ‘Government for Tomorrow.’ The nonprofit has successfully created 22 student positions on various municipality boards throughout the state. Liam outlined the 3-step process created by GFT to place a student representative on a municipality board: In our case, the DDA must create the position via motion, Government for Tomorrow selection committee vets and selects a student that fits their criteria, the student begins to fulfill their duties on the board while the school & Government for Tomorrow continue their training. Jessica Vanderhart was present to represent the school. Discussion was held.
A motion to create a position for a student representative on the DDA board and partnering with Governments for Tomorrow was made by Randall, seconded by Spearing. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Approval of the Minutes:
A motion to approve the meeting Minutes from the January 29, 2024 regular meeting was made by McCallum, seconded by Spearing. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Treasurer’s Report:
McCallum reported that the bank balance was $6,298.16 after signage was paid in full. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Wallace, seconded by Swailes. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Way finding Signage:
All Signs have been installed. There was some confusion about the “Kioske” in the Community Square. However, the sign is exactly what we approved. The backside of the Community Square sign is highly visible and blank. A motionwas made to replicate what is on the front of the sign onto the back (double siding it) at the cost of $700 by Wallace, seconded by McCallum. Motion carried by unanimous consent. A ribbon cutting event was scheduled for Monday, March 25 at 3:30 p.m.. We will meet at the Community Square and celebrate at each of the 3 signs. Spearing will contact our signage sponsors: Rotary charities, the Grand Traverse Regional Foundation, Grand Traverse Pallet & The Ellsworth Farmer’s Exchange to ask that representatives attend the event.
Concerts on the Square:
Three dates have not yet been filled. Two of the musicians have not responded to Spearing’s attempts to reach them. Discussion was held. Spearing will continue to reach out to those 2 musicians with Strings Attached & Kaiden McCallum as options if they are not available. Discussion was held on the possibility of getting sponsors for the concerts. The Township agreed to allow the DDA to use the upstairs of the hall in the event of rain during a concert.
Chairperson Report:
The East Jordan Chamber of Commerce is working on the 2024 Visitor Guide, the theme: Get Active. The Breezeway display case is up at the Clare Welcome Center and “getting lots of attention.” Faculak held discussions with the Mackinaw Welcome Center, and we will be getting a display there soon. Feb. 29 is ‘Leap of Kindness Day,’ the Chamber is promoting taking this “extra” day and doing something wonderful with it.
2024 Meeting Schedule:
March 25
April 29
May 20
June 24
September 30
October 28
November 25 all meetings begin at 5 p.m. except November retreat begins at 4 p.m.
Antrim Foundation:
A relatively new organization based in Bellaire could be a good asset for the DDA. Spearing reported that they will be holding a Meet & Greet at the Front Porch on April 11, 5:30 p.m. to get connected with us.
Ellsworth Farmer’s Exchange:
Swailes reported that efforts to get the electric updated are still stalled but not stopped and the construction of a new plant in Alanson is progressing as planned.
North Country Veterinary Clinic:
The building is getting a fresh coat of paint inside. If a contractor can be found, new siding will be put outside. He mentioned the Annual Memorial Day celebration and how attendance has waned in recent years. Is there anything we, as a DDA can do to promote the event?
A Matter of Taste:
The Farm to Table dining is scheduled to begin in June and will be every Thursday throughout the summer.
A motion to adjourn was made by Faculak, seconded by Wallace. The next regular meeting will be held on March 25, 2024.
_________________________________________________________on February 27, 2024
Submitted by Tina Sundelius
_________________________________________________________ ______________
Mary Faculak, Chairperson Date