February 24, 2020
Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm by Rusty Powers, Chairperson.
Members Present: Rusty Powers, Jan Rasmussen, Tina Sundelius, Mary Peterson, Judy Worgess and Julie Waterman.
Members Absent: Hugh Campbell, Marci Palajac and Mary Faculak
Others Present: Lynn Spearing, Dan Bennett (Breezeway Paddlesports), Dave Rasmussen (CDS Enterprises) arrived during meeting
Agenda: Moved by Worgess to approve the meeting agenda, seconded by Peterson. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Meeting Minutes: Moved by Waterman to approve the minutes from the January 27th regular meeting, seconded by Jan Rasmussen. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Treasurer’s Report: Peterson reported that the DDA has no financial accounts or funds at this time.
Village of Ellsworth Report: Lynn Spearing, Village Council Trustee, reported that the village approved application to be sent to USDA concerning the Sewer project. Location is still not decided. Property on Coeling Road now being considered. Dollar General is still moving forward. Soil sample of property where Shooks market was will be tested in the spring. The grocery store has been sold, the details are not available yet.
Committee Reports:
Water Trail Initiative: There will be a meeting on March 2nd. Plans are in motion to get Ellsworth designated as a Trail Town from the DNR in relation to the Water Trail.
2020 Pig Roast: The committee has chosen a theme of Paddling Back Thru Time and discussion followed concerning the future of the pig roast.
Blight Control: Discussed the future of the property where Shooks market was.
Business Retention and Recruitment: Breezeway Paddlesports to be discussed under New Business. Waterman brought up purchase of grocery store by CDS Enterprises. She will contact Dave Rasmussen to invite him to attend the next DDA meeting.
Farmers Market: Waterman reported that there is possibly a new volunteer for social media and to assist with Saturday market day.
Ellsworth Beautification: see Old Business below
Old Business:
Spring Beautification for Ellsworth. Discussed ways to spruce up Ellsworth including a contest -with Jan Rasmussen and Worgess running the contest. Discussed Banks Township cleanup day. Powers will arrange volunteers/youth groups to be contacted to do various activities around the village about late April. Spearing will contact Aaron Gaffney at the school. DDA members to bring ideas for youth projects to next meeting.
Breezeway Paddlesports: Guest Dan Bennett said that they have not established a location yet. Discussion and suggestions followed. He also discussed what staffing they may need.
New Business:
Consumers Powers Energy Foundation “Put Your Town on the Map”
The Consumers Energy Foundation is again sponsoring a competition that will provide a total of $50,000 to support big ideas in small towns across Michigan’s Lower Peninsula.
The “Put Your Town on the Map” pitch competition will provide dollars for three projects that build strong communities. Up to 10 finalist communities will compete for the funding at the annual Small Town and Rural Development Conference on April 22 at Crystal Mountain in Thompsonville, Michigan.
Lynn Spearing will start the process for the application. DDA could use the money for professional branding and promotion – including a slogan “The Adventure Starts Here” in reference to the water trail as well as other activities. And/or to create a well-defined trail with signage from the waterfront/park to town.
Dave Rasmussen of CDS arrived and described his plans for the grocery store property (previously owned by the Altergotts). One aspect will be called Needmore Storage & Suites. The first stage will be filling storage rental units.
Discussion occurred concerning ways the DDA can be most supportive of CDS and Breezeway Paddlesports including positive word-of-mouth discussions when around town.
Public Comments:
No public comment.
Motion to adjourn at 7:24pm by Sundelius and seconded by Worgess. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
The next regular meeting will be held Monday, March 23, 2020 at 6:00pm at the Banks Township Hall located at 6520 Center Street in Ellsworth. 231-588-7411.
February 28, 2020