AUGUST 30, 2021
(Meeting date changed from August 23, 2021)
Meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m. by Mary Faculak, filling in for Rusty Powers, Chairperson.
- Members Present: McCallum, Sundelius, Faculak, Campbell, Palajac, Spearing, Powers
- Members Absent: Waterman, Rasmussen,
Others Present: None
Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Sundelius and seconded by Campbell.
Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from the July 26, 2021 meeting was made by Campbell and seconded by Spearing.
Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Monthly Reports
Treasurer’s Report: McCallum reported that there are no funds at this time but is entertaining ways to raise money. Campbell would like to have a fundraiser for the DDA at the Community Square. We will commit to a date for this fundraiser at the next meeting. Possibly Pig Roast weekend on June 17, 2022.
Village of Ellsworth Report: Campbell reported that the tennis courts have been resurfaced and are just waiting for the nets. The sewage project is moving along, slowly. A picture was passed around to the membership that was presented to Campbell from Fred Taylor. Taylor wanted to show the DDA how the house he is refurbishing on Main Street is going to look. Taylor is also planning an assisted living facility behind the house that is being rehabilitated. The well he is drilling has hit the glacier water.
Committee Reports:
- Water Trail Initiative – Faculak reported that Paddle Antrim’s kick off party is September 16 with a band and a food truck. Registrants are currently signing up.
- Village Blight Control – Powers reported that a house on Lincoln and Park has new siding and looks nice. Spearing announced that Dave Muha bought two lots on Lake Street and plans to put tiny houses in.
- Ellsworth Beautification – Powers solicited to the membership that we need someone to head up Ellsworth Beautification to replace Judy Worgess. A committee might be the best way to approach it. There was discussion about getting a stand at the Labrynth with information on it.
- Business Retention and Recruitment – Nothing new to report on the Gold Nugget project. A possible Realtor will be moving into the building on Lake Street.
- Farmer’s Market – It has been poorly staffed. Vendors and shoppers are not attending. A Market Manager needs to be on site to oversee. Perhaps changing the day would make a difference. This discussion will continue until we come up with a solution.
- Housing – Faculak reported that the committee is moving along with ideas and plans. The Housing Summit is going virtual which Faculak doesn’t think is as effective.
Old Business:
- Village Business Signs – Powers will be talking to Campbell about the signs.
- Final Approval of DDA Members – Another member is needed. We will all thoroughly think of those in the Village who would be a good fit. Various members will be reaching out to people to see who is willing to serve.
New Business:
- DDA Chairman Nominations – Faculak would agree to the nomination if she can groom someone to take the position at a later date. Powers made a motion to nominate Mary Faculak to be Chairperson and the nomination was seconded by Spearing. All were in favor. A formal letter will be presented to the Village Council. Faculak regretfully motioned to accept the resignation of Rusty Powers and it was seconded by Sundelius.
- September 25, October 2 and October 9 will be Breezeway Cruise dates. 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Public Comment: None
Motion to adjourn at 6:25 p.m. was made by Faculak and seconded by Sundelius.
Motion approved by unanimous consent.
The next regular meeting will be held Monday, September 27, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. at the Pavilion. 231-588-7411.
__________________________________________________________ August 30, 2021
Submitted by: Marci Palajac, Secretary
___________________________________________________________ _________________
Approved by: Rusty Powers, Chairperson Date: